
Young adults especially, possess huge capacity for change and those that have offended need appropriate support in order to break their cycle of re-offending.

The Reasons Why Foundation looks at the Reasons Why people make the choices that have negative impacts on their lives and those lives of others and together we find new alternatives and solutions to reduce re-offending rates and increase employment.

Listening to Lambeth project

Help us change the lives of 10 young people in Lambeth – in just 6 weeks from now.

We're about to embark on our first crowd-funding journey and it would be a massive boost if you can help us build momentum – fast. We have just 6 weeks from Monday 16th February in which to raise the funds to deliver our highly successful behavioural change programme to at least 10 young people living in Lambeth, who have been affected by crime.

It is a totally new way of getting our work done and on the evening of Monday 30th March, we will...

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