
Attitude is such an important thing to get right in any and every situation that we are in and yet, it's the exact area that so many people fail to do their best in. You could say that some people appear to go out of their way to make things worse for themselves by having a negative, bad or destrcutive attitude.

We aren't taught about how to develop a positive, helpful or appropriate attitude in school and the courses provided on the subject in adult life are generally attached to a business vein of personal or professional development. So a lot of young people miss out on learning about how to adjust their attitude to the situation they're in and how to develop and sustain a healthy attitude.

Here at The RWF, we see people every week learn new ways of thinking about themselves which in turn helps to develop their healthy attitude towards themselves firstly and then towards others. What prompted me to write this post now, was noticing this very clearly today when one of the people we've been working alongside for the last 3 months came in to share the wonderful news that they have just been offered employment and from what they told us it was obvious that the change in how they had learnt to see and value themselves, their attitude towards themselves, was instrumental in them being offered this new job.

Attitude is more important than many of the people that need to know about it most, realise. So we'll keep on sharing this.